
Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy of the Sawai Group in Japan

Sawai Group Holdings Co., Ltd. and its Japanese consolidated subsidiaries have established a common group privacy policy as follows.

Handling of Personal Information of Sawai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sawai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) will handle personal information in accordance with the “Privacy Policy of the Sawai Group in Japan” and the following provisions. The following terms are defined as defined in the “Privacy Policy of the Sawai Group in Japan.”

A. Acquisition (Collection) and Use of Personal Information

The Company acquires (collects) personal information for the following purposes. When collecting personal information for any other purpose, the purpose of use shall be specified in advance and reported or publicly announced to the person. We do not use personal information other than for pre-specified use purposes.

  • Purpose of using personal information about doctors, pharmacists, pharmacies, drug stores, and other healthcare professionals.
    Providing and collecting information on the appropriate use of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and other products or services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as “Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices, etc.”).
    Provision and collection of information on the quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceuticals.
    Study and research in the medical and pharmaceutical fields.
    Provision and collection of medical information and academic information.
    Requests for and implementation of clinical trials, post-marketing surveillance, etc.
    Information provision on academic societies, study groups, etc., hosted, co-sponsored, or sponsored by the Company.
    Survey and analysis of the actual use of the Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices, etc. and user needs.
  • Purpose of use of personal information concerning business partners, organizations, and officers and employees of related government agencies.
    Solicitation, proposal and execution of transactions.
    Communication and provision of information related to our business.
  • Purpose of use of personal information about people accessing our inquiry contact, such as for a consultation about the Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices, etc.
    Consideration, investigation, and response to the details of consultations, inquiries, etc.
    Contacting and providing information to manufacturers, sellers, healthcare professionals, etc.
  • Purpose of use of personal information concerning applicants for employment.
    Examination, decision, and communication of recruitment (acceptance or rejection).
    Communication and provision of information concerning procedures for acceptance or rejection notification, and entering Sawai Pharmaceutical, etc.
  • Purpose of use of personal information concerning employees and their families.
    Management of labor, salary payments, personnel affairs, evaluation, skill development, welfare, health and safety.
    Contacting and providing to employee stock ownership association, health insurance associations, insurance companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates.
    Notification and reporting to government agencies such as social insurance and labor insurance.
    Emergency communications and other measures.
  • Purpose of using personal information of surveillance cameras.
    Recording and verification of anti-crime measures, production and quality control processes.
  • Purpose of using personal information of visitors to our facilities.
    Access control (entry and exit).

B. Supervision of the Business Entrusted

In order to achieve the purpose of personal information use, we may entrust the processing of personal information to a third party. In this case, Sawai Pharmaceutical shall supervise the relevant third party and oblige the relevant third party to properly manage personal information by means of a contract, etc.

C. Shared Use of Personal Information

(1) Joint use within the domestic Sawai Group

We may share personal information within the domestic Sawai Group as follows:

  • Items of Personal Information to be Jointly Used
    Record and content of inquiries, comments, opinions, related to products or services of the Sawai Group companies in Japan (including names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. information, product or service names, etc.)
  • Scope of companies sharing personal information
    Companies in the Sawai Group in Japan listed at the top of the Privacy Policy of the Sawai Group in Japan.
  • Purpose of use by users
    - Response to inquiries, comments, opinions, etc.
    - Study of improvement of products or services of Sawai Group companies in Japan.
  • Party responsible for managing shared personal information
    Sawai Group Holdings Co., Ltd.
    * Please refer to the Company Profile for the address and representative of the head office of Sawai Group Holdings Co., Ltd.

(2) Joint Use of Medical Database (MDB)

Sawai Pharmaceutical shares personal information of doctors, pharmacists, pharmacies, and healthcare professionals in the Medical Database (MDB) managed and operated by Nihon Ultmarc Inc. in accordance with their purpose of use. Please refer to the website of Nihon Ultmarc Inc. for information on items, range, purpose, etc., of personal data to be used jointly.

D. Procedures for Disclosure and Suspension of Use of Personal Information

We will respect the rights of individuals with respect to personal information, and will respond to requests from individuals for personal information held by us within a reasonable period of time. All requests regarding the Notice of Purpose of Use, disclosure, correction, addition, or suspension (including deletion) of personal information held by us shall be in the form prescribed by us. Unless otherwise stipulated in our individual privacy policy set forth in section H, all procedures are free of charge, but in the event we require a reply by mail in writing, you shall bear the actual postage of 519 yen (84 yen for standard postage plus 435 yen for registered mail).

E. Contact for Inquiries

Contact for Inquiries related to the protection of personal information at the Sawai Pharmaceutical Group is as follows:
2-30, Miyahara 5-chome, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka, 532-0003
Contact for Inquiries regarding personal information, Sawai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Phone number: 06(6105)5715

F. Name of our address and representative

Please refer to the Corporate Profile for our address and name of representative.

G. The Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization

We are a member of The Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Associations of Japan, an authorized personal information protection organization run by the Personal Information Protection Commission. The association accepts complaints and consultations on personal information handled by its members.

— Please direct your inquiries to —
Secretariat of the Certified Personal Information Protection Organization
The Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Associations of Japan
3F, MFPR Nihonbashi Honcho Building
7-2, Nihonbashi Honcho 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023
Phone number: 03 (5843) 6494/ Hours: 10:00 to 16:00
(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and other specified holidays)
Website address:

H. Handling of Personal Information related to specific services provided by the Company

Our specific services may have different individual privacy policies which apply to handling of personal information received from you in connection with such services. Please click here to see our individual privacy policies.