
Corporate Branding

Our Values

Corporate Branding

Publicity Activities

We spread awareness on the effectiveness of generic drugs and promote their use through many wide-ranging activities with the public.

In 1997, when generic drugs were barely on the radar for the general public and even medical professionals, Sawai became the first generic drug manufacturer to advertise in major newspapers. This marked the start of our company's efforts to promote understanding and increased use of generic drugs. Subsequently, we began to release both newspaper advertisements and TV commercials, and recently, have even sponsored various health-related TV programs. We are also continually improving the content provided on our website to help educate medical professionals and the public.
In the future, we will continue to employ dynamic advertising practices to promote increased use of generic drugs, while at the same time enhancing awareness of Sawai and its products.

Advertisements (Japanese only)

TV commercials

Advertisements to specialists

Informative websites

Our Values